Antique & Vintage Dress Gallery





MORE INFO:  The original owner passed away in 1987 was a fashion designer in her own right - she invented a cut-in sleeve pattern that "shook the garment world" for its labor saving technique and perfect hang. From many family letters written in the 20's, seems her friends, Kim Kimbrall (from a family of wealthy cotton brokers, Mary Meadows and Teelie Beckley (founding family of Beckley West Virginia ) got this coat for her.  The written letters portray typical kids in school - with money, money, money...and go on to describe experiences, the people they met who entertained them and took them all over the place, as well as her work in school in Paris and Italy with side trips everywhere.  At one point she says how she met the Prince of Bourbon and how handsome he was, how he wined and dined them at all the fashionable places.  She and Kim were best friends and fabulous dancers who emptied the floor wherever they went.

ITEM #9986
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  EMAIL  ORDER  1850-1920s  MUSEUM  FURS, Etc.